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Image by Annie Spratt



"The Wildflowers retreat offers so much hope and healing, not only to those who have suffered sexual abuse, but also to everyone who may have encountered any degree of violation in their childhood or youth. Although the curriculum definitely reaches those who have suffered very painful events in their lives, don't think that you have to have a dramatic story of abuse to benefit from this curriculum. It connects to the heart of many types of wounds in profound and gentle ways."

                                                  -Wildflower Retreat Participant -2020


"I highly recommend in the Wildflowers retreat for those who believe they were sexually abused as a child but cannot recall the details. I don't remember the specifics of the abuse I suffered during the earliest years of my life, but I remember the damaging effects it has had throughtout my life. My body remembers, although I don't have mental memories. In this beautiful rereat I have received physical, emotional, mental, and spritual healing from the Lord. I am more at peace now, and am not as preoccupied with the abuse. I am so grateful for this retreat, and for all those who are involved in this much needed ministry of healing. "


                                                    -Wildflower Retreat  Participant-2021



"I have been living in the shadows of my true self behind a mask for 50ish years. So the decision to dive into this healing journey was terrifying to say the least.  This was unknown territory and we all find comfort in the known even if the known is unhealthy.  It is terrifying to step outside the known.  I was losing my soul and needed to do something. Then I heard about Wildflowers.  It was a scary proposition but I was at the point in my life I needed to do something.  I was dying inside.


I tried many things over the years to no avail.  I have been to therapy; I have thought I could do this myself and I didn’t need anyone. I have been in denial, trying to forget the abuse and the betrayal over what happened to me.  I tried making light of the trauma thinking it didn’t bother me, that it was no big deal, it was in the past just forget it.  I self-medicated for many years.


I learned many things going through the Wildflower Retreat, the first was in order for me to start the healing process I had to be willing to open my heart and let our Lord Jesus enter into my wounds and trust in Him. I also learned the only way to heal is to go straight through it, not around it, not over it, not under it but directly through it with heart wide open and with our Lord.  Only God can heal our broken hearts.


I learned that no matter what we think, the abuse we endured affected every decision we ever made in our life.  The affects of this traumatic horrifying abuse formed who we are today.


We go through the Wildflowers healing journey slowly in a safe environment feeling loved, nurtured, cherished and knowing we are not alone.  We open our hearts up to allow Jesus into our suffering.


We lost our childhood, our innocence, we were betrayed sometimes by people we trusted and loved and sometimes by strangers.  Our voices were silenced, taken away from us.  We learned how to hide to survive.


In Wildflowers we learn to give the little girl in us our voices back.  I’ll tell you it is so scary and at the same time so liberating.  We learn to feel again and learn to deal properly and in a healthy way with those feelings.  We care for our needs.  We learn to cherish ourselves.  To look into the mirror and not see the shame, the guilt, the fear that the evil one infiltrated our hearts and soul with but to see ourselves as God sees us.  His precious beloved little girls that have grown to be strong warriors, courageous survivors, not the victims we once thought of ourselves being.  Yes, we were victims but now we are strong, courageous, beautiful gifted survivors, women who can be Jesus to others through helping other women.


I told someone dear to me that my healing journey is not over, it is just beginning. I will travel this healing journey for the rest of my life and that is okay because I am not alone.  I am a beloved child of God.  I fall often but I know Jesus is with me every step of the way with His arms reached out lifting me up, brushing me off and sometimes carrying me to continue my journey.


We allow Jesus into our hearts to love us in our brokenness.

 That is freedom."

                                                     -Wildflower Retreat Participant 2021



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